The world is more dynamic than it has ever been. People are creating Billion dollar businesses faster now than any other time in history.
With this great opportunity, seems to come great frustration. People are becoming the new hidden underclass: an invisible class of people to themselves and others.
For instance, in Brazil street kids are murdered and their perpetrators go free without prosecution. That is because it is the Police themselves who are involved in these crimes.
Then look at Greece. Who cares that the Middle Class has gone in this country? Once respectable proud people being reduced to the soup kitchens and hand outs.
Then there is Cyprus, a test case of strong arming a nation into selling its Gold reserves n the cheap.
This dynamic world is not serving the people. So why does it still be an order of some sort? Simply put, when people of huge influence have too much influence, society and the world become their playground where the people of the world are bare and vulnerable.
I urge people to seek to look beyond the media and begin to connect with people who are planning for the next huge transition in human history.... The crash of the markets and the decimation of a sick, but not un-curable Western Led world society.
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